Bryans Nonsense

..people have problems; God has solutions.

Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Love my country, my family, my friends, and above all the Lord Jesus. I was raised in the Northest, and have also lived in California; Florida; and Texas; as an evangelist and pastor. I have traveled a lot, and have made a lot of friends, and been of some help to a few people, for which I am grateful.

Monday, January 31, 2005

God is not a Quiter!

There is a lot of writing, whining, and general grumbling about the idea that the Christian Right has a hidden agenda. The theory is that by being believers in the Rapture of the Church, the voting and progams that they endorse are two sided. On the one hand if they don't get their way in the land of the living, there is an escape from this present evil when things get to bad. So their not to be concerned with the way it goes, and there is no need to get involved.

I don't see in the past any place where God ever gave up on anyone. He could have easily ended mankind with Adam. You sinned and disobeyed me, bye your History. How about the flood, was it required for Noah to be spared? Why not just flood the whole thing, then you wouldn't have to listen to the idiots say, there was no Flood! A clean sweep, start all over!

The evidence in the Bible is that God has against all odds, and logic, been a benefactor to all mankind. Think Joseph, who God spared to save the whole world from starvation. Try Moses to save a nation from slavery and oppression. In all of the Prophet's there was warnings and instruction to spare nations. Look at Jonah, his message spared a whole nation, in spite of his own desires. God has always tried to save lives, or we wouldn't still be here.

The admonition to the Chuch was to occupy till He returns. Not to sit on the side, not to be idle or a carpet for others to walk on. We are neither all Conservatives or Liberals, we are God conscious. A peculiar type, after the spirit of Jesus, who's weapons are Love, Hope, Endurance, and Patience. That all men might escape Judgement, and receive Mercy as we have. So we will endeavor to occupy the positions that will benifit man and spread truth and goodwill, as the Lord enables us, with all His might.

Yes, we know that the Lord will not suffer us to the tribulation to come to the earth. Before you accuse us consider Noah. He was called a preacher of rightousness. In the hundred years that it took to build the Ark he preached and warned them of the flood yet to come, at that time it had not rained upon the earth. The people had a long time to consider what he said, and why this huge ark build on dry land! They drew the wrong conclusion, even the animals entering the Ark didn't persuade them.

I ask you, did God give up, or did He give them over to there own desires, as recorded as continual evil, and the whole earth full of violence? He couldn't do otherwise! Man has been given a free will, and God will not trespass what He has established. Yet we are still here, and are given this history to teach us. As has been said; Those who will not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.

So knowing these things if it were possible we would drag you kicking and screaming into the body of Christ to spare you, but it is not possible. You are master of your own life, it is your gift from God. Whatever desisions you make for yourself will be honored by the Almighty, and he will abide by your own desires. You alone can determine your fate, now and forever.

I personally believe that God will not give up on man easily. I think there has to be a mighty move of the presence and power of God manifest in the earth. All the people of the earth will see it and have a final chance to know God. So when you see the people of the far reaches of the islands, and those who are primitive, and those who are outcast starting to enter, consider, it may be the time of the End.


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