Bryans Nonsense

..people have problems; God has solutions.

Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Love my country, my family, my friends, and above all the Lord Jesus. I was raised in the Northest, and have also lived in California; Florida; and Texas; as an evangelist and pastor. I have traveled a lot, and have made a lot of friends, and been of some help to a few people, for which I am grateful.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Now What?

I want to suppose a typical problem. Let's say you have a good friend. You have known this person for a couple years, either thought work or some social organization. This person knows your family, knows you're a christian. You have witnessed to this person the gospel as best as you can. You've been sincere and honest and open about the word of God. About the way of faith. And the goodness of God.

He/she has discussed all of these things with you, and has tried to grasp the truth. They understand your position on all of the benifits of being a christian. But they are not sure of the reality.

Now he/she has come to you and asked you "is there some way that you can show me that this is the truth, and not just a really good ideology, can I know it's real?

At this point the person's entire existence is in your hands. They have come to you for help. They have some confidence in you. And they are hoping that you can bring them to faith, the same faith that you have. If you can't then they may never look to the Lord again, this is the burden of the believer.

What do you do?

There is an answer, do you have it?

I might add. Other religions offer there followers joy and peace, and even a resurrection. Can you prove yours is the truth.

If not, don't try to be a missionary, or a minister.

And if you know, leave your answer in the comments so all can learn and be effective witnesses.

I will give my own answer in a couple of days if no-one else answers.

You ask what is this about? There are thousands of ministers, and thousands of missionairies. Millions of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. But as a whole we are not effective witnesses. If we were then the world would have already repented, and we would be on our way to glory with the Lord.

We have allowed deceiving religions to copy the truth. To the point that even promises are made that are only possible with God. And we haven't shown them to be false, by showing the true way of the living Lord.

This is my effort to put the truth to work and show that there is a difference. The Lord has made a way. He has never been taken by suprise, he knew from the beginning.


Blogger pete porter said...

Brother Phil,
You are welcome. And you are a asset to the body of Christ. I would recommend your site to every-one.
Be Blessed,

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bryan, first, in case you don't go back to see the comment I left you in my blog - for some 'debate' and discussion, link to Faith Or Fiction in my sidbar. On Mondays, Julie has "Monday Night Thoughtball." It's really good for some theological discussion. Of course, this coming Monday, she's out of pocket, so yours truly will be coming up with the question. So I guess you'd better check my blog this week.

As to your post today, I view it differently (well, you *said* you missed the debates!)

I don't think that person's life is in my hands. My job is to follow the leading the of the Holy Spirit re: witnessing etc. Through words as well as how I live my life.

It is the job of God to draw a person to Himself. God calls whom He chooses. I'm thankful that He chooses to sometimes use little ole me in His process, but obviously He doesn't *need* me to do it.

People are unrighteous in their flesh, they're incapable of coming to God on their own. God alone regenerates the hearts of those He's chosen and called.

Romans 3:9-18
Eph 2:1-3
Romans 8:7-8
Eph 4:18

1 Cor 2:9-16
John 6:44
1 Cor 12:3
Eph 2:4-5
John 8:47
John 5:21
Acts 16:14

Anyway, just a few verses that show we don't come to Christ on our own; it is done by God.

Therefore, since it is God's job, I'm not responsible for 'converting' anyone. A person doesn't merely "grasp the truth." It's not an intellectual exercise. It is God regenerating a heart that naturally turns from Him.

Sorry to ramble!

4:03 PM  
Blogger otho said...

Thanks for the link to my site. In the situation you described, the first thing I would do is to say a quick prayer for the person. Also, you have to have faith that God will give you the words. While you can make the arguement that you must be prepared to answer for your faith, no human can truly know the heart of another human, or have a full grasp of another human's motivations for doing anything. So I say give it to God.

6:44 PM  
Blogger pete porter said...

Thanks for the invitation. I'll try to make it.

We are commissioned to be Jesus's witness. That is clear. And the Holy Spirit is also a witness to the resurrection, as you said, "be led by the Spirit". But I am assuming that was why you talked to this person in the first place. In my hypothetical case. And again you are right that it can be through words.

And again the Lord said; "if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto myself". It is of course the working of the Spirit.

Now this I have a problem with; "since it's God job, I'm not responsible for 'converting' anyone." As the body of Christ, we are all God has to use, he works through the regenerate man. "apart from me you can do nothing". True. But also, "if you abide in me, you will bear much fruit". So clearly we cannot excuse ourselves.

The whole new testament was written by inspiration of the Spirit, BY MAN who is God's instrument. So if not us, then the work has ended, and that is not so.

But I love this part; "it's not an intellectual exercise. It is God regenerating a heart that naturally turns to him." This is what I'm after, to show them Jesus is alive. The same Jesus that's the savior of all who will believe.

So anyway you didn't answer what our part in this is. We can't leave to God what he has left to us. Think about this, and see what the scripture says.

Be Blessed,

7:34 PM  
Blogger pete porter said...

Your welcome. And thank you for your comment. Your definately going in the right direction in your reply. I'll leave it at that for now. I will post on this next, and will refere to your comment.
Be Blessed,

10:20 PM  
Blogger pete porter said...

Hi Kat,
You should join in, I'm not harsh.
Be Blessed,

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify a little. (And to agree with what Otho said)

I'm not in disagreement with you for the most part. I most definitely realize we're called to witness, make disicples, put forth the gospel, etc etc. Defintely.

And as I said, I am led by the Holy Spirit in the 'who' 'when' and 'where' part. I pray, and like Otho said, give it to God; because He changes hearts.

*I* don't *convert* ANYONE. I can't; I'm incapable of doing so. I cannot regenerate hearts. *I* cannot *make* anyone love God or turn to Him.

The actual saving of a soul is the work of God alone.

6:37 PM  
Blogger pete porter said...

Hi Gayla,
I didn't mean to imply that we could save souls. Only that we can be more effective in our witnessing. And looking to God in faith is of course the first and formost part in this. We are not the Holy Spirit, but we are joined to him. Since I started this debate, I'll post what I'm getting at in my next article. I want to open more understanding of how to be effective. Consider, the religions of the world can't produce proof of there teachings, and are of no real help to men.

The power of the Gospel takes the teachings of God and brings them to life in the people.

I hope you are not offended by me, I sincerly admire your willingness to openly share your convictions. And do not want to inhibit you or cause any arguement with you. Only a honest debate, or view from another angle.

Be Blessed Sister,
Be Blessed,

9:43 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Amen brother!!!

Pete, as you know I am an evangelist. I have been faced with this situation many times. All I can say each situation is different and is to be led by the spirit. Sometimes I will pray first and other times the spirit gives me utterance. I know that whenever someone asks me that kind of question, I feel like time has stopped. I know that this is a 'God' appointment. I think of the day I see my Father in heaven and he says to me, "Karen, what did you do with my Son?" I cannot help but give a response led by the Holy Spirit. I know that what I say could impact this person for eternity. The bible says that we are to be prepared. This is a race. Much like we stretch to get our bodies limber to run, so must we get our minds ready to witness for the Lord.

Be blessed Pete.

8:34 AM  
Blogger pete porter said...

Yes indeed, we have the Spirit to give us understanding and wisdom. Either by word or vision or revelation, or in power, or sign, or what-ever is needed. So that men will know that God is with us. As it says, "if you all prophesy, the secrets of their hearts will be revealed, and they will say 'of a truth God is with you'."
Be Blessed,

10:19 AM  

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